Special SessionsProposals are solicited for CSBio 2010 special sessions. The special sessions will consist of both invited and contributed papers. All accepted papers will appear in the CSBio 2010 conference proceedings. Each proposal for special sessions should include the following information: * Title of the special session
Deadline for special session proposal submission: May 15, 2010 (passed) Proposals for special sessions should be submitted in electronic form (Word or pdf) to one of the following Special Sessions Chairs or to csbio2010@sit.kmutt.ac.th:
Stijn Meganck (smeganck@vub.ac.be) Tutorials(submission deadline passed)The CSBio 2010 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be held immediately preceding the main program of the conference. Proposals for tutorials should be submitted in electronic form (Word or pdf) by May 15, 2010 directly to the Tutorials Chair, Kwoh Chee Keong (ASCKKWOH@ntu.edu.sg) and/or to csbio2010@sit.kmutt.ac.th.
Competitions(submission deadline passed)CSBio 2010 will feature one or more competitions for solving computationally intensive and/or algorithmically challenging systems biology and bioinformatics problems. Proposals should be submitted by May 15, 2010 directly to the Competitions Chair, Ivor Tsang (IvorTsang@ntu.edu.sg) and/or to csbio2010@sit.kmutt.ac.th.
Technical Co-Sponsors