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Collocated Conferences

The 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB2012)


The International Conference on Bioinformatics (InCoB) is the official conference of the Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet). The main objective of InCoB is to provide a platform for experts and budding bioinformaticians to discuss and exchange ideas and thoughts on the development of bioinformatics in the Asia Pacific region. Beginning in 2002, InCoB has grown to become one of the largest bioinformatics conferences in the Asia-Pacific region. This annual conference showcases the latest research and technologies in all areas of bioinformatics and is attended by practitioners from both biology and computing backgrounds in the Asia-Pacific region.

Submission to InCoB2012 may cover any aspect of bioinformatics, computational biology, computational systems biology or immunoinformatics, conveying a scientific result. InCoB2012 conference areas (in alphabetical order) are as follows:

* Agroinformatics
* Bioimaging
* Bioinformatics applications
* Bioinformatics models, methods & algorithms
* Biological sequence analysis
* Bio-ontology and semantics Database management
* Data mining and knowledge discovery
* Developmental biology
* Disease bioinformatics
* Drug design and discovery
* Expression data analysis
* Genetics of cell differentiation & reprogramming * Genomic manipulation
* Genomics and proteomics
* Immunoinformatics
* Medical informatics
* Metabolomics and other -omics
* Metagenomics
* Next, next generation sequencing as a clinical tool
* Population Genetics
* Scalable data storage
* Structural bioinformatics
* Systems biology
* Synthetic biology
* Workflow and Knowledge Management

The 3rd Winter Conference of the International Neural Network Society (INNS-WC2012)


The flagship INNS conference is the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) that is jointly sponsored by INNS and IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. IJCNN traditionally features invited plenary talks by world-renowned speakers in the areas of neural network theory and applications, computational neuroscience, robotics, and distributed intelligence. In addition to regular technical sessions with oral and poster presentations, the conference program will include special sessions, competitions, tutorials and workshops on topics of current interest. Typically there are well over six hundred delegates in this annual event.

The board of governors of INNS decided in 2006 to establish a series of symposia or winter conferences devoted to new developments in neural networks. The first of the INNS Symposia Series was held in Auckland, New Zealand back on November 24-25, 2008 – http://www.aut.ac.nz/nnn08/. The theme was “Modeling the brain and the nervous system” and comprised of two symposia: 1) Development and Learning; and 2) Computational Neurogenetic Modelling. The second in the series was the INNS International Education Symposium on Neural Networks (INNS-IESNN) held in Lima, Peru on January 25-27, 2011 – http://eventos.spc.org.pe/inns-iesnn/index.html. The third Symposia Series will cover a much broader context of “Natural and Machine Intelligence”.

04/10/12 : The conference proceedings are now online at Procedia Computer Science here.
09/09/12 : Call for participation and late breaking abstract.
07/09/12 : The presentation instructions are posted now. Also, the tentative technical program is updated here.
02/09/12 : The preliminary technical program is available here. Also, the corresponding author should receive an acknowledgement email from Elsevier this week.
18/07/12 : All notifications have been sent out now. If you have not received your decision for some reason, please contact us at csbio2012@sit.kmutt.ac.th
31/05/12 : Due to numerous requests, a final extension for paper submission is given until June 15, 2012
11/05/12 : Paper submission deadline further extended to May 31, 2012
13/04/12 : Paper submission deadline extended to May 15, 2012
25/01/12 : Website online





School of Information Technology,
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,
126 Pracha-U-Thit Rd., Bangmod,
Thungkru, Bangkok 10140 , Thailand

TEL : +66-2470-9834
FAX : +66-2872-7145

Email : csbio2012@sit.kmutt.ac.th

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